Category: Education
Identifying and Treating Clownfish Diseases
Clownfish, also known as anemonefish, are hardy animals that are generally resistant to disease. However, like all living organisms, they can be affected by certain diseases if their living conditions are not optimal. Some common diseases that can affect clownfish include marine Ich, marine velvet, and bacterial infections. Marine Ich, also known as white spot […]
5 High-Quality Saltwater Aquarium Ro/Di Units for Pure Water
Here are five high-quality reverse osmosis/deionization (RO/DI) units for saltwater aquariums: Overall, it’s important to choose a RO/DI unit that is appropriately sized for your aquarium and fits your budget. It’s also important to regularly maintain and replace the filters in your unit to ensure it is functioning at its best.
The Top 10 Most Colorful Saltwater Fish for your Aquarium
Clownfish: These fish are orange and white with black stripes, and are best known for their starring role in the movie “Finding Nemo.” Banggai Cardinalfish: These fish have black and white stripes, and a splash of bright red on their fins. Royal Gramma: These fish are purple and yellow, with a distinctive pointed head. Mandarinfish: […]
Betta Fish Diet 101: How to Feed Your Siamese Fighting Fish
Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are omnivores, which means they will eat both plant matter and small animals. In the wild, bettas eat insects and their larvae, as well as plant material. In captivity, they can be fed a variety of foods, including: It’s important to remember to feed your betta a […]
Live Rock
Live rock is a type of substrate that is commonly used in saltwater aquariums. It is made of pieces of coral or other types of rock that have been collected from the ocean and cured to remove any excess debris or contaminants. Live rock is typically used to provide a natural-looking habitat for marine animals […]