The clown triggerfish, also known as the balistoides conspicillum, is generally considered to be a semi-aggressive species of fish. While they can be kept with other fish in a tank, it is important to choose tankmates carefully.
Clown triggerfish are known to be territorial and can become aggressive towards other fish in the tank, particularly if they are smaller or have similar coloration. They may also become aggressive towards fish that they perceive as a threat to their territory. It is best to avoid keeping them with smaller or more timid fish, as they may become bullied or injured.
Some suitable tankmates for clown triggerfish include larger, more passive fish such as angelfish, lionfish, and groupers. It is also a good idea to provide plenty of hiding places and territory for the triggerfish to help reduce aggression.
Overall, it is important to carefully research and consider the temperament and compatibility of any fish species before adding them to a tank.
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