Foxface Rabbitfish

(Siganus vulpinus)

Foxface rabbitfish are a popular choice for saltwater aquariums due to their striking appearance and peaceful nature. These fish are native to the Indo-Pacific region and can be found in a variety of habitats, including coral reefs and rocky shores.

One of the most distinctive features of the foxface rabbitfish is its elongated snout, which gives it a fox-like appearance. These fish can reach up to 15 inches in length and are typically a bright yellow or orange color, with black and white markings on their face and body.

In the wild, foxface rabbitfish are herbivores, feeding on a variety of algae and seaweed. In an aquarium setting, they can be fed a diet of high-quality marine algae, along with a variety of frozen and dried herbivore foods. It’s important to ensure that these fish have a varied diet to prevent malnutrition and maintain their health.

Foxface rabbitfish are generally peaceful and can be kept with a variety of other fish, as long as they are not aggressive or territorial. They are not suitable for a reef tank with small invertabrates, as they may nip at coral and other invertebrates.

Overall, the foxface rabbitfish is a beautiful and peaceful addition to any saltwater aquarium. With proper care and a varied diet, these fish can thrive in a home setting and bring a touch of the coral reef to your home.

Captive Care


Foxface Rabbitfish should be kept in a tank that is at least 75 gallons, as they are active swimmers and need plenty of space to move around. The tank should have a good filtration system and a strong, reliable water flow. It is also important to provide plenty of live rock for the fish to swim through and hide in, as well as plenty of open swimming space.


Foxface Rabbitfish are omnivores and should be fed a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter. They should be offered a variety of high-quality marine algae, as well as frozen or fresh seafood, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and other small meaty foods. It is important to feed the fish a varied diet to ensure that they receive all of the nutrients they need.

Water quality:

It is essential to maintain good water quality in the tank to keep the Foxface Rabbitfish healthy. This means regularly testing the water parameters, such as pH, nitrite, and ammonia levels, and making adjustments as needed. It is also important to perform regular water changes to keep the tank clean and to remove any excess nutrients that may build up.


Foxface Rabbitfish are generally peaceful fish, but they can be territorial and may become aggressive towards other fish that are similar in size or shape. It is best to keep them with other peaceful fish that are not too small, as the Foxface Rabbitfish may mistake them for food. It is also important to provide plenty of hiding spots and places for the fish to retreat to if they feel threatened.

Overall, the Foxface Rabbitfish is a colorful and active fish that can make a great addition to a saltwater aquarium. With proper care and a suitable habitat, these fish can thrive in the home aquarium.






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